Wednesday, July 8, 2009

that old time rock and roll

Recently, I have noticed that two of my favorite fashion bloggers, love maegan and rumi at fashion toast, have been sporting (or at least buying) Ray-Bans. Since I live in sunny LA, sunglasses are practically a necessity and I am always on the lookout for new shades. The Ray-Bans themselves are only $139 at Bloomingdales for the classic Wayfarer style. (And, the classic Aviators are only $129!) While I am on a self-imposed shopping hiatus until September (don't ask, and yes, it sucks), I will definitely keep these on my wish list for the fall (if they are still au courant, of course).

Bloomie's also sells the Wayfarer in pink, which is only $109 and would be a definite buy for me this summer if it isn't for this stupid shopping hiatus. (Nooo, not bitter at all! :)

Tell me, do you own a pair of Ray-Bans? Post a link to your best "Risky Business" picture in the comments - I'd love to see how y'all are rocking them this summer!

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