Monday, July 27, 2009

daily look

I thought the Tahari skirt suit I wore today would be good for an LA summer day.Which it was, because the skirt part was So. Short. I mean, ridiculously short, even for me. It made me wonder who in the world Tahari thought they were selling these suits to because if the skirt is too short even for five foot negative nothing me, it's got to be obscene on someone average sized. The jacket part of the suit was a cropped motorcycle style jacket, which was a fun twist. I wore a longish black shirt under the jacket and let the edge peep out to break up the beige of the suit. (They say that you shouldn't do that because it makes you look shorter, but in this case, I think it worked.) I paired it with some black and tan heels (ideally, it would have been these funky Loubs), and I was ready to conquer Monday. Mental note: Unless Ally McBeal style short skirt suits come back in style, I should probably not wear this suit again to work. Oooh, unless it is in the winter, and I wear it with some opaque black tights? Hmmm, now THERE'S an idea!

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