Monday, July 20, 2009

diy - window shade

the entry to party central

Ever wanted to wake up and make breakfast in the woods, like you were on a camping trip? No? Me neither, but I was able to find a way to infuse a little character and some major function into my kitchen.

Here in CDM, our neighbors are pretty close. And with summer here, the neighbors have taken to partying in their backyard on the weekends. I was in need of a quick-fix to cover up the window on my kitchen door. Enter Ikea and thier a fantastic of window covers (and pretty much everything else). I settled for an easily installed pull down shade (note - oddly, it didn't come with screws! so I had to get them on my own) that was a sheer white. I also picked up a tree printed screen that I laid over the white for added blockage and for a fun little pattern. I also left the length on the screen for a little character and an added punch.

Now when the kids next door party into the evening, they won't get to chuckle at the site of the old man next door, in his PJ's, making a cup of hot tea before bed at 10pm.

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