Monday, July 13, 2009

i've got reservations

The new season of No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain premiers tonight on the Travel Channel! Rock! I’ve been watching reruns all week gearing up for it... sad, I know, but that's what I do.(did y’all see the one when in Jamaica, TonyB trips and falls in the bat-&-roach-shit infested cave and emerges with shit smeared across his face? I died.) Not including some of the strange-non-eating segments of the show, how awesome would be to tag-a-long with the master for a city culinary tour?

I’d been filling my No Reservations void with the poor substitute, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman. Which, is TOTALLY the same show (but with some lameness), right? I do love to cringe whenever he puts something nasty in his mouth and am glad that the cameras choose not to show the post-meal toilet time, but AndyZ is no kitchen badass. Dude doesn’t even stop to take smoke-breaks.

Side note to jess: New career for us – Travel Show Hosts!? (Did you know that the Travel Channel teaches classes on how to be a travel journalist?)


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