Monday, January 18, 2010

Things I ate this weekend: Part 1 Anqi

This weekend was a good weekend. Well, some good some bad. The good, I ATE ALL WEEKEND. The bad, I ATE ALL WEEKEND... and now have a spare tire large enough to fit the Flintsotne's car. Seriously. It's totally gross. I'm totally gross. But it's all because... well, lets just say I'm now a year older and have the wrinkles to prove it.

My marathon of weekend meals begin with Anqi by Crustacean on Friday night with Jennifer and Withel. The new Crustacean (of garlic noodles fame) opened recently in Bloomingdale's South Coast Plaza. I'd been once, but just had some drinks and didn't get to try the food. But this time...

It was good. Really good. Think clean modern Vietnamese meets molecular gastronomy (I learned that from Top Chef!). I highly recommend it! Hamahama Oyster Shooters, New Zealand Muscles, Tuna Tacos, Caprese salad, Caramelized Bananas with Chocolate Moose and items I forgot to photo - Garlic Noodles with Lobster, Angel Hair Noodles with Rock Shrimp and the Dragon Fried Rice!

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