Friday, December 25, 2009

Kaneohe Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Here's our tree on Xmas eve with more presents than we've seen under it in years. I think it's because my bro and his new wife are spending the night and brought their gifts here to open together in the morning. He was up a 7:30 and like always did his best to ensure we were all up shortly thereafter. lots of loot! And Santa was good to all of us.
Here's our traditional Christmas morning brunch! My mom makes my grandma's recipie for "David Eyre's pancakes" (like moist pop-overs) eaten with syrup! (I prefer the coconut and passion fruit syrups, myslef.) And we had an array of fried breakfast meats - lil smokies, spam and 3 kinds of Portuguese sausage (regular, pineapple filled, and kim chee filled) yum! Now I'm ready for a nap!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday!

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