Monday, December 14, 2009

We are now THOSE people

So today was our first day out of the house since we got Ollie. It also happens to be the day the cleaning people come to clean our apartment. And because we are not THOSE PEOPLE who treat their cats like their kids, we totally DID NOT make a sign to tape to our front door to forewarn the cleaning people to be cautious not to let our new cat escape.

At around 11:30, I received a frantic phone call from Kelly stating, "THEY CALLED, THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE THE CAT IS. I AM ON MY WAY HOME." And because I'm not that person either, I responded, "WHAT?! I AM ON MY WAY HOME TOO," and quickly ran out of the office (even leaving my computer on).

I sped home, driving 50 mph on Olympic. I got home first, and was frantic, calling Ollie, looking under the bed, in cabinets, everywhere. (I had learned that the cleaning people SWORE they didn't see him run out of the apartment, so I hoped he was still in there, hiding somewhere.) Then I heard a small "meow" from behind the dryer, and there was Ollie, just as calm as can be. I couldn't reach him and he wasn't jumping up, so I called Kelly, "HE'S HERE BEHIND THE DRYER, I CAN'T READ HIM." He responded, "I'M PARKING RIGHT NOW, I WILL BE RIGHT THERE." I pulled the dryer away from the wall and waited for Kelly, who got home shortly thereafter and pulled him out.

When we caught our breath, we laughed about how we have turned into THOSE CAT PEOPLE, and then we gave Ollie some cat treats.



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