away I go...

My apologies to all for not being good about posting this week... there is much to say, but no time! Work has been hellish and I'm trying to pack as I'm off tomorrow for Wilkes-Barre, PA! Where the F is that you ask? I haven't a clue!
My friend Meredith is finally getting married this weekend! (and it's a long time coming for her, let me tell you! but another time...) She's from Tunkhannock, PA and the wedding is in near by Dallas (not TX) about 2+ hours north of Philly into the middle of nowhere. And just like Jess did a little ways back, I'm going to PA for a wedding (I really want to try that soup)! I have my apprehensions about the whole thing but am very curious as to what I'll find there (I hope to live blog my trip if my blackberry doesn't die.) My only clues thus far are:
1) It's supposed to be beautiful fall colors and October means that the festival of airing-out-the-quilts is in full effect.
2) Jay from season 1 of Project Runway is from Dallas, PA
3) When I googled "things to do" there was not much. But among the things that I stumbled upon were a long list of bible studies in the area and direction to a brewery! And there was a rant by someone who hates it there due to small town police corruption.
4) There is a MALL! Wyoming Valley Mall! And there is something called Bon Ton at ALL the shopping centers. What is it?! I think I want to shop there!
5) This is where Scranton and Dunder Mifflin are, you know, the town and company from The Office.
In my version of Pennsylvania, I'm going to see an Amish family pass by on a buggy and perhaps I'll follow them over the hills and through the woods to their little farm where I'll churn some apple butter and eat it on a loaf of fresh baked bread!
We shall see if that's the case! Stay tuned!
PS: Anyone out there from this area? Suggestions and recommendations are welcome! Holla a your boy...
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