Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fatty Crab

Totally cute name right? Another fantastically delicious NYC meal.

The food is South East Asian (I know!), which surprised me since I though it was going to be like a New England clam bake for some reason. But anyhow, I think what made it so delicious was that everything was in flavors that I've not really experienced or eaten a lot of. It was like Thai or Vietnamese, but more exotic and a hint of spice. Matt and I shared like 5 things and that was PLENTY. And funnily enough, we didn't even get the crab, even thought is was Crabby Monday (aka all you can eat chili crab special).

Meal highlights:

Crispy Fried Pork and Watermelon Salad:

Fatty Sliders with Beef and Pork

We also had Lo Si Fun (a delicious fat noodles in a sauce) and Spare Ribs = so good! (And note the chicken wings were good, but just ok).

Thank goodness that there's lots of walking when in NY!

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