We be up in the canyon just workin' on our fitness
She's my witness! (ooh wee!)
What a glorious day Sunday was! I heart LA and even more so after it rains. Jessica and I took this opportunity to work on our fitness (along with the rest of LA so it seemed, including a ripped Jackie Warner & a doughy Finn from Glee). We walked and hiked the loop at Runyan Canyon starting from Fuller Ave 1.5 times in just over an hour or so (1 loop=1.6miles!). Although "my witness" wasn't all smiles the whole time, yay for us! Mild cardio, leg and ass toning! Next time, 2 times and twice as fast!

And Elaine, Kyle and the kids met us for the last half mile and then we tore up Starbucks after... literally.

Labels: jason. loves
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