Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Philly, fluffy clouds, and french onion soup

Hello! I am back from my weekend in Philly. I went there primarily for a wedding and secondarily to indulge in cheesesteaks and other delicious foods. Both objectives were accomplished successfully!

As you can see, I wore what I said I would wear - the poofy red and black dress. I paired it with black patent leather no-name pointed-toe ankle-strap sandals, and no purse (because I didn't feel like packing one). The funny thing is that the wedding turned out to be a pretty traditional Hindu wedding, and the bride looked beautiful in bright oranges and reds, so it would have been perfectly appropriate for me to wear the light pink dress after all. Nonetheless, I think the red and black was the best choice!

We stayed at the Sofitel, which was located smack dab in the center of Philly, near all the good restaurants and shopping. Of course, since we were in Philly for less than 36 hours, we were not able to indulge in either fully, but it still remains one of my most favorite hotels...because of the feather bed, which, as I read on one review site "is like the bastard child of a fluffy cloud and a marshmallow". In fact, it was so cozy and comfortable that we slept for 12 hours the first night and close to 10 the second night. Hey, what are vacations for?

Gastronomie-wise, I also discovered that Philly as perfected the art of french onion soup (a delicious example at the bar in the Sofitel the first rainy night we were there). Not only that, but the next day for lunch at the Continental I discovered somthing called "french onion soup dumplings" which turned out to be reduced french onion soup, wrapped in chinese dumpling wrappers, placed in an escargot dish, and baked with melted gruyere on top. It was the most amazing dish - I ate all six of the dumplings with a huge grin on my face.

For our last meal there - Sunday lunch - we grabbed cheesesteaks at the Philly airport, which turned out to be pretty decent and mighty tasty. Steak, processed cheese, french fries, and an icy cold Pepsi - you can't beat that!

Because our visit was so short, we left determined that we could come back soon, and visit Philly properly (and maybe even see the Liberty Bell next time).

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