Saturday, April 3, 2010

So close yet so far!

Kogi come back!!!
So I'm sure you all know of the Kogi food truck phenomenon. I've been following them on twitter and keeping my eyes peeled with each trip to LA in the hopes to trying a famed Korean taco... I've come close many a time, but last week they were right in my backyard for lunch.

A coworker and I raced over only to stand in this gnarly line for 45 minutes and barely moved 3 feet. We sadly had to give up since we had to be back at work (whatever!) But this nice man, who's a VP where we work, saw our sad faces and offered to give us some of his. We were too proud to take his food and deprive him of lunch, so just snapped a few photos of his triumph to tie us over until we actually get one.

Kim Chee Quesadilla and the tacos. sigh!

We had to settle on Daphne's for lunch. It's normally quite good, but that day it didn't quite hit the spot.

The Street Gyros (or just mini gyros made to look like taco truck tacos!!!)

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