Monday, August 24, 2009

a magical monday night

your majesties sans their signature sunglasses...
Image via
Ok everyone! Time to set the Tivo and DVR for a night that we've ALL been looking forward to! Tonight, Monday 8/24, TV is going to be AH-MAH-zing!!!

-The night will start with the return of The Rachel Zoe Project (more gushing here)! I'm DYing just thinking about it.
-And then in a rare interview and tv appearance, Queen Anna Wintour will be on David Letterman (to talk about The September Issue - which is something else that I'm dying to see and will have it's own post in the near future.)!!! How is this going to go down? I'm so INTRIGUED. I saw the 60 Minutes interview and that was some good stuff. But can Anna do comedy? I'm thinking she can... she can do anything.

10:00-11:00pm, Bravo - Rachel Zoe Project
(note my DVR says 10:00 - 11:01pm. and yay for the east coast HD Time Warner feed! I'll be watching it at 7pm and possibly again at 8pm!)

11:30-12:30am, CBS - The Late Show with David Letterman
(note my DVR says 11:35pm-12:35pm)

Monday night tv never looked so good - it's gonna be baNAHnas!

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