pretty in pink or meat-fest 2009

Jessica's birthday is our annual pilgrimage to the House of Mastro's where we create outfits in which to worship large cuts of meat, cure our ailments with stiff drinks and order enough side dishes to atone our sins (and that's a lot of sides. right Hon?). And to commemorate the occasion, we take a multitude of photographs while waiting for the valet.
Dinner was delicious - mountains of meat! and thankfully, they had not run out of the prime rib.
But on to the outfits... We totally didn't plan to be matchy, even though it's one of our things, but you know, sometimes these things just happen - Jess was channeling her inner Rachel Zoe and I was doing my best 80's.

Unfortunately Jess and I are bad people since we need to actually see Pretty In Pink (I KNOW!). Other than us knowing that Molly Ringwald was in it, we can't really tell you any more about it... and as such I can't really make any clever references to it in this post other than the fact that we were both totally pretty in pink!
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