what's in your (travel) bag?

I spent the better part of the night re-organizing my travel accoutrements. Seen pictured is my mid-size travel bag. I used to have three sizes of travel bag - the small had carry-on ability and could really only hold a toothbrush and some face wash. The mid-size bag had to be checked, but held a toothbrush, face soap, toner, moisturizer, deodorant, sunscreen, and conditioner. I also have a large size bag that holds all of the above, plus hotel slippers, a washcloth, some perfume, a razor, lip gloss, and a little bit of mattifying makeup.
Tonight, I decided to revamp, clean, update, and consolidate. I scaled down to just two bags the mid-size and the large. However, I tried to streamline the mid-size to *just* include absolutely necessary items (toothbrush, face wash, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, deodorant) so it is lightweight and easily travel-able.

Next, I cleaned out the rarely used large bag, and emptied it of all the old travel size La Mer products (which have long lost their effectiveness, I'm sure). I put in new wash/toner/moisturizer, and then included all the possible extras I could think of - hotel slippers, a washcloth, perfume, floss, blister band-aids, lip balm, hair conditioner, hair elastics, cotton balls, q-tips, alcohol wipes...everything I could think of. And to think, it all fit in this bag!

Tell me, what do you pack in your travel bag(s)?
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