Yeah, we got the beat!
I like beats. Is that weird? I never liked or ate them growing up and it was one of the few thing that my parents never insisted my brother and I eat. To me they were just strange; they were that gross purple thing that my grandma would top her salads with at the all you can eat salad bar at the Flamingo Chuckwagon (Restaurant on Kapiolani!). But a few years ago when my parents were visiting, we went to dinner at my dad's friend's house and they served roasted beats... and being well mannered gentleman that I am, I ate them. And they were goooooood. I ate so many (which really weren't that many) that my #1 and #2 were a strange color for days.

Anyhow! So I saw beats at the market the other day and decided to try roasting them on my own. (Plus aren't they supposed to be good for you, or something?) So combining the online advise of Martha, Oprah and, all I did was:
- scrub them down
- drizzle with olive oil and a little salt
- place in a tin foil pouch
- bake at 350 for about an hour or until tender when poked with a knife
- cool, then peel (which was the hardest part. The skin didn't really fall right off so I had to use a pairing knife. but the hard part was that the purple juice flows freely and stains) and eat!
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