Monday, August 31, 2009

a quick and hearty meal

Japanese Chicken Curry. Yum! Warm and hearty, tasty and easy to make!
First off, yes! There is a Japanese curry... it's a milder, thicker green curry. They love to eat over rice or poured over a variety of katsu-ed (breaded and fried) meats. What makes this super easy is you buy "curry cubes", like giant bullion cubes that have all the spice and flavor dehydrated and ready to go. Just add water!

Cube chicken and brown with a little bit of oil and lightly flavor with garlic salt and pepper.
Add diced carrots, potatoes, celery and onions and saute until partially cooked.
Add water and bring to boil (Follow instructions on instant curry box)
Add curry bricks. Simmer.
and you're done!

Serve over rice (or not, if you're low-carbing it) or with a little Punahou (our high school in Hawaii) Carnival mango chutney.

(ps, I know it's been hot these days, but I actually made this a couple of weeks ago when down this way it was a chilly 68 in the evenings!)

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