Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ten weird things about me. (There are a lot more, but let's just start with ten, shall we?)

In honor of my recently-passed birthday, I'm sharing ten weird things about me.

(1) I hardly ever wear make-up or do my hair. My daily routine in the morning is to put the hair in a ponytail and to smear some sunblock on my face. I have spent hundreds of dollars on makeup and hair products and always admire others that are made up and look put together, but I just somehow feel like a kid playing dress up when I wear make up and do the hair.

(2) I am a clean-freak, but I am not a neat-freak. That is to say, that I am constantly concerned about germs, dirt, and invisible food particles in areas that are not "the kitchen sink", but will leave dirty clothes in the hamper in the hallway for weeks (so long as it is in a pre-designated "dirty" area) and clean clothes unfolded in the designated "clean" basket for days (oftentimes because there is no "clean" area upon which to fold the clothes). It makes for an interesting apartment, I tell you.

(3) I have really small feet. Like smaller than a 5. But I will buy a 5 if there is an ankle strap or if it is a boot or something that will make the shoe stay on my foot. This has conditioned me to snap up any and all size 4.5 and 5 shoes that I ever see (they are so rare) - which is not very good for my wallet.

(4) I think diet soda is lame - I have very strong feelings about this. And yes, Coke Zero counts as diet. There is just something...icky about it. Like really? You can't just enjoy a Coke? And if you are just so concerned about calories, then just drink water! There is seriously no point for diet soda. And I call bullshit on "I like the taste of diet Coke better than regular Coke." Come on. No one likes the taste of fake sugar. (Related: Single people - NEVER date a man that has mixed drinks made with diet soda, like a "jack and diet". You just KNOW that he'll be bringing an overabundance of issues to the table. Not worth it.)

(5) I have very specific laundry procedures. This includes washing (certain) clothes in both detergent and ammonia. I won't go into more detail about this because even just thinking about it makes me realize how crazy I sound.

(6) I like to christen each year with a certain attitude or thing that I'd like to accomplish. Last year was "footloose and fancy free" which meant that I was trying to pay off my credit card debt, and I was trying to work out more. I didn't succeed entirely by my birthday, so I have extended the deadline for "footloose and fancy free" until the end of the year. I can definitely pay off the debt by then, and then I can claim the year as a success.

(7) Relatedly, I also like to christen "looks" with names. Mostly, I name Jason's looks. When he was dressing sweater vests and looking for jackets with elbow patches, I called it "The Absent-Minded Professor". And when he was only wearing black, white, and gray with hints of red, I named it, "Every Rose Has its Thorn." LOVE naming Jason's looks.

(8) I hate sauces or condiments of any kind. I'll order pasta with sauce on the side and will just add a dribble. I special order my McDonald's burgers dry. I don't need any hot sauce from Taco Bell, and don't eat ketchup with my fries. The only exception is chili cheese fries or poutines or anything with country gravy. Man do I love me some country gravy.

(9) I am inordinately and morbidly obsessed with the bubonic plague. Mostly, the actual medical manifestations of the illness and how it spread and what the symptoms were and how it was treated, but also the societal upheaval that occurred in its wake.

(10) I am highly susceptible to "food smells" on my clothes and in my hair and it will bother me if I can't change my clothes and shower immediately thereafter. The most egregious places where one can pick up food smells is at Japanese restaurants, Korean restaurants, and any other place where they deep fry a lot of the food. (Unfortunately, these are also some of my favorite places to eat.) I just have to remember to wear machine washable clothes to these places, and plan to come home to shower immediately thereafter.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so cute!!!

August 25, 2009 at 9:06 PM  

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