Monday, September 20, 2010

Things I missed...

Although I was only in Hawaii for a week and a half, it appears that I missed the most exciting week and a half at the mall EVER. Sigh! Oh well... maybe there's another such week and a half in the days to come? One can only hope.

-Someone tried to blow up the mall. Really. One morning the mall cops found a grenade in the parking strucutre! A terrorist plot? or cleaverly-stupid way to save a parking space? Either way, no bueno.
-The OC Housewives came by to film the next season... TWICE! And they NEVER let people film. And apparently it's was 2 new not-yet-announced cast members. hmmm.
- Daniel V. (aka Rroject Runway cast off with a collection of strange handbags) made a PA to show his new fall collection. Who knew he was still designing? Either way I'm so glad as I was such a fan! (his finale collection was SO much better than Santino's)
I know, strange picture... just like those hand bags.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

In Memorium

You were a good computer!
It took me 3 years to buy you and you gave me 8 years of service. You helped me get a job and launch jess&jase. You'll be missed!

On the operating table at Best Buy. And when it couldn't be saves, they removed the hard drive and gave it to me.
I think I'm go
ing to put it in an urn and place it on my shelf or bury it in the backyard.

On the plus side, new life came from death. The removal of my old desk top gave me a chance to change up and reorganize my work station. For the best since I seriously set free an entire family of dust bunnies. So, what do you think?

I'm totally digging it!! It looks so much cleaner and clutter free!
Now I can get back to blogging again (wink wink)!

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Hawaii in pictures

So got back last week from Jessica's wedding in Hawaii along with a a few extra vaca days that I took to hang with friends and family. And let me tell you, I need another week off! It was SO hard coming back and getting back into my old routine. I think I nodded off at work every day last week. In addition to just feeling tired all the time, I was just overcome with a feeling of laziness and lack of motivation to do anything. Sigh. Well, time to snap out of it! And time to get back to reality. (oh, and it's time to get back to running and eating well... Hawaii, as always, was a eat-or-be-eaten gorge fest!)

Here's another installment of Hawaii in Pictures. Enjoy!
oh, ps. hover over the images for captions. =)

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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Sorry we've been a little MIA recently... but....
It was beautiful from top to bottom and the bride was stunning. ah, our little girl is all grown up!!

(Back in the day, the groom came from a place of no when it came to appearing in our blog... but if he changes his mind, I'll remove the "mask"! hint hint!)

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