Thursday, July 30, 2009

August 24th (updated as of 8/4), The Rachel Zoe Project returns! Rach, you're BaNAHnas!!! I can't wait! We heart her. Jessica and I have totally been following her twitter and have signed up for "free daily glamour for our inboxes" to tide us over. And did everyone read Brad's blog for Steve Alan? (psst - Brad if you're there, will you guest blog for us?!)
Side note: I TOTALLY saw her in Beverly Hills!!! I DIED. I was leaving a friend's house and there in the driveway of the house across the street were Rach and Roger! I contemplated following them, but I thought better. Plus it would have been hard since they were sadly not driving "Dylan McCay's Porche" and I surely would have lost them in the traffic.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
So yesterday the good people at The Cut previewed the new Lily Allen for Chanel handbags campaign, shot by Karl Lagerfeld himself. Lily Allen? Really?! Ugh!

But all my loathing of her aside, she does look good for her. And we know to not question Karl's visions. But to add insult to injury she's attended the fall/winter 2009 show dressed and bagged in Chanel. She's CRAZY and a mess and so undeserving! Karl totally should have chosen our very own Jessica to star in the ads! If it was indeed a Breakfast at Tiffany's look he was going for, Jessica's old nail lady did once say that she had an "Audrey Hepburn neck..."

But all my loathing of her aside, she does look good for her. And we know to not question Karl's visions. But to add insult to injury she's attended the fall/winter 2009 show dressed and bagged in Chanel. She's CRAZY and a mess and so undeserving! Karl totally should have chosen our very own Jessica to star in the ads! If it was indeed a Breakfast at Tiffany's look he was going for, Jessica's old nail lady did once say that she had an "Audrey Hepburn neck..."

"launch my line"
How much do we all LOVE Dsquared2 and Dean & Dan Caten?! So much so that we're willing to forget that they let ANTM use their show as Tyra's final walk off, right? They are fantastic (and a personal favorite) and soon to be entering our living rooms courtesy of "Launch My Line"! (apologies in advance for the commercials pre-video. if anyone knows how to get rid of it, please let us know!)
Just when I thought that I was finally going to be able to give my DVR a break and get to bed at a decent hour, Bravo announces yet another reason to stay up. "Launch My Line" pairs "celebrity" wannabe designers with industry professionals starting September 16. Can't wait! I don't know when I'm going to sleep with the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Flipping Out, Top Chef, Mad Men, and FINALLY Project Runway all starting up sooner rather than later. But let's just hope that LML doesn't turn into the lameness that was The Fashion Show.
Is it just me or do the designer-wannabes not recognize the boys D until they get intro-ed!?
more on and the Launch My Line Official Site
Just when I thought that I was finally going to be able to give my DVR a break and get to bed at a decent hour, Bravo announces yet another reason to stay up. "Launch My Line" pairs "celebrity" wannabe designers with industry professionals starting September 16. Can't wait! I don't know when I'm going to sleep with the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Flipping Out, Top Chef, Mad Men, and FINALLY Project Runway all starting up sooner rather than later. But let's just hope that LML doesn't turn into the lameness that was The Fashion Show.
Is it just me or do the designer-wannabes not recognize the boys D until they get intro-ed!?
more on and the Launch My Line Official Site
Monday, July 27, 2009
daily look
I thought the Tahari skirt suit I wore today would be good for an LA summer day.Which it was, because the skirt part was So. Short. I mean, ridiculously short, even for me. It made me wonder who in the world Tahari thought they were selling these suits to because if the skirt is too short even for five foot negative nothing me, it's got to be obscene on someone average sized. The jacket part of the suit was a cropped motorcycle style jacket, which was a fun twist. I wore a longish black shirt under the jacket and let the edge peep out to break up the beige of the suit. (They say that you shouldn't do that because it makes you look shorter, but in this case, I think it worked.) I paired it with some black and tan heels (ideally, it would have been these funky Loubs), and I was ready to conquer Monday. Mental note: Unless Ally McBeal style short skirt suits come back in style, I should probably not wear this suit again to work. Oooh, unless it is in the winter, and I wear it with some opaque black tights? Hmmm, now THERE'S an idea!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
equality for all - update!
Alexander Wang's T for Men
Earlier, I posted about the very exciting soon-to-be mens line from Alexander Wang. And now there are pictures available previewing the line! And surprisingly, it seems very wearable - no sheer tanks or tunic tops. But best of all, it doesn't look like I'm going to have to crash diet to wear any of it!
Pictures and articles at Refinery 29 &
Friday, July 24, 2009
a lesson from the CCA

And that she was... always whipping up some kind of stir fried master piece. We used to go to 99 Ranch in China Town to stock up on ingredients and where she taught us one of her secrets - Lee Kum Kee (the sauces) . Ah, 99 Ranch... it's no longer there and gone is the butcher-man that would saw your meet in pieces and that wretched dirty seafood smell. But that bakery down the street that has the best pastries (bolobao! baked pastry bun covered in crusted butter and sugar!) everything for like 50 cents is still there!
I saw these beautiful ribs at Freshia, the old Korean market that used to be the area go to until H Mart opened, and they were calling out to me. I went by just for old times sake... it's still as lovely and old as I remember it. They still have really good meat, kim chee, and mandoo (dumplings), but can't compare to H Mart's produce in quality and price.
Here's a little diddy that the CAA taught us: cut and slice pork ribs, sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper, put in Lee Kum Kee Soare Rib Marinade, marinate overnight, and bake. hun hao!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
ask jessandjase!

While we are by no means experts, we have A LOT of opinions and also have been known to spout some good advice at times. Plus, we like to be helpful! Do you have a question for us? Comment on our posts, or email us at jessandjasetheblog (at) gmail (dot) com, or twitter message us @jessandjase and ask us something...anything!...and we'll try to respond. We hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
grandpa's givenchy

My guess is that the ties are from mid-sixties since they were all "skinny" ish with a-symmetrical striped patterns (so Mad Men! see "loves" once the show starts up again) or in plaids. Like the ones that were so just in the last fall (there was one that was gray wool with a black plaid ala Burberry or like the J. Crew one that I totally just bought last November!). Some of the ties even had tags on them that ranging in price from $2.50 to $11.00 from stores that are sadly no longer in existence. So nostalgic! So fantastic!
One of the treasures in the bag was this burgundy Givenchy. Which I assume is real and is totally Decades-worthy-vintage! (right?) I hope I'm doing it justice as I sit at my computer all day in my office with no windows located between the pizza stand in the mall food court and the bathroom. But either way, I love wearing it since I feel like I'm totally channeling Don Draper and my Grandpa - and that's one bad-ass-Mad-man!

daily look
Today, was a suit day, which wouldn't necessarily be so bad if it wasn't one billion degrees outside. Simply walking from the office to lunch with friends and back made me wilt. While I was in black (to be conservative), it was a light cotton blend suit with a flouncy flared skirt so I thought it was still appropriate for summer. I tried to lighten the rest of it up with fun shoes and a light colored purse - dressing conservatively is one thing, but boring? Now that's out of the question.
Monday, July 20, 2009
a wall of clocks

Literally. I like the idea and I like that it's kinda like creating art. Maybe a little? And it's very symbolic for those who know me and know that, 15 minutes late = on time. (I call ethnic time, but I'm trying! but seriously think I'm getting better) But for some reason, it's just not coming together. Is it the layout? do I need more? less? more variety? hmmm.
a little something dolce

After dinner, I like to round out the meal with a little something sweet. In fact, I don't feel like I'm "done" with my meal until I've had dessert. While this may not be good for my waistline, it is a habit that I can't break, so I try to keep my sweet tooth in check with small portions. These days, my favorite bit of dolce after a meal is a couple of spoonfuls of Haagen-Dazs Caramel Cone ice cream. This is caramel ice cream, with caramel swirls, and bits of chocolate covered waffle cone pieces. I cannot think of anything more decadent and perfect. Tell me, do you require a little something dolce after a meal? And if so, what's your favorite dessert?
(This picture is from the Haagen-Dazs website)
diy - window shade
Ever wanted to wake up and make breakfast in the woods, like you were on a camping trip? No? Me neither, but I was able to find a way to infuse a little character and some major function into my kitchen.
Here in CDM, our neighbors are pretty close. And with summer here, the neighbors have taken to partying in their backyard on the weekends. I was in need of a quick-fix to cover up the window on my kitchen door. Enter Ikea and thier a fantastic of window covers (and pretty much everything else). I settled for an easily installed pull down shade (note - oddly, it didn't come with screws! so I had to get them on my own) that was a sheer white. I also picked up a tree printed screen that I laid over the white for added blockage and for a fun little pattern. I also left the length on the screen for a little character and an added punch.
Now when the kids next door party into the evening, they won't get to chuckle at the site of the old man next door, in his PJ's, making a cup of hot tea before bed at 10pm.
not quite butterfish, but still good

Like any good local person, I keep all the necessities in stock at all times and that includes a freezer full of frozen delights. (And not to mention, my closet is also full "dry good delights" - cases of toilet paper, paper towels, and tissue. Oh, that reminds me, I only have about 4 rolls of TP left so need to buy more.) Included in my personal frozen section, I try to keep some kind of fish from Trader Joe's on hand. I know... frozen is not as good as fresh, but let's face it, it's totally cheaper and more convenient.
Perhaps I should have taken a cue from jess, as turning on the oven was not the best thing to do in the summer heat... but despite my toastly kitch, it all turned out quite nicely. Next time, however, I think I'll toss the salmon in the broiler for the last few minutes so the miso on the outside browns and turns to a crust.
Misoyaki Salmon (Baked Salmon with Miso) served with spinach
Marinate salomon steaks for at least 30 min in shallow mix of soy sauce, mirin, sake and garlic (flip steaks after about 15 min). Then place salmon in pan. Mix a scoop of miso with a couple spoon fulls of the remaining sauce. Spread and drizzle miso-sauce on the fish. Bake, sauce side up. After 10 minutes or so, flip steaks and glaze other side. Bake for 10-15 min or until cooked through.
Tomorrow, if I dare, I'll battle the carbs and have the leftover salmon with chazuke (rice in green tea)!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
easy breezy summer dinner

Chicken salad:
Shredded roasted chicken, bought precooked from the store. Add a couple tablespoons of mayo, a touch of mustard, some garlic salt, dill, and parsley, and mix together. Spread onto whole wheat toast and add some baby spinach leaves.
Roasted asparagus:
Wash asparagus and dry completely. Snap off ends and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle a fair amount of olive oil so that the asparagus is well coated. Sprinkle on salt and ton of fresh ground black pepper. Put the broiler on high and roast for 8-10 minutes.
Quick, easy, and delicious!
Friday, July 17, 2009
beef, it's what's for dinner

After a trip to H Mart (my new favorite market where the produce is super cheap and for an Asian market, it's actually pretty clean), I made Kalbi-jim (braised short ribs) for dinner with some beautiful slices of meat.
I've been playing with recipes for a while, but had not found one that I loved... until now! I combined 2 different ones and with a few of my own additions created the below. It may not be the traditional Korean way, but blame my Japanese palate...
Prep, and sear the meat. Simmer on low heat for 45 min in 2 parts soy sauce, 1 part water, 1/2 part sugar, onions, garlic, green onions, sesame seeds, sesame oil, mirin, and bourbon. Pair with salad, tofu, kimchee and daikon to complement the saltiness of the meat. Yum!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
daily look
Ok, I don't have a Vivienne Westwood suit, nor those Louboutins, nor the orange croc Birkin. I like to think that what I wore today (Theory gray suit, no-name black pumps, plain purse) is like the shadow on the cave and this polyvore collage is like Plato's actual form. And there endeth my geeky philosophy metaphor for the day.
80's for the office

Yes, they're back. And lucky for you, I've brought my Cavaricci's with me. Sadly, in white, they're not the most professional, so I think I'll save them for when I go with Ted to Jake Ryan's seniors-only-after-dance-party.
So instead today, I took the inspiration and did my best to create something that was still totally rad, yet appropriate for my overly conservative office. If only I still had that hi-quality belt those Cavaricci's used to come with... then you could call me Mickey.
Tie - Hot Topic $10
Shirt - MNG $17
Jacket - H&M $50
Shirt - MNG $17
Jacket - H&M $50
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
3660 on the Rise

If you asked me what I would like to eat for my last meal on earth, it would likely include the New York Steak Alaea from 3660 on the Rise in Honolulu, Hawaii. The menu describes it as "pan fried with butter, garlic, and sea salt," but in reality, it is so much more. The steak itself has a crispy salty and peppery crust, but is tender and juicy inside. There are no superfluous sauces (a good steak doesn't need sauce) to muck up the flavor of the meat and it is perfectly seasoned through and through. And, it is served with deep fried shoestring onions on top - which are perfect to soak up the excess steak juices and also to give a good bit of crunch with each bite of steak. Seriously, one of my favorite steaks on Earth!
daily look
Wednesday's over, which means it is just downhill from here to Saturday! Today was all about getting things done, so I added some glasses for instant gravitas. I don't have those booties, but I think they would have been ah-mah-zing with this look, and of course, this is an idealization of what I wore today so I added them in.
tropical drink melting in your hand...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
daily look
Today was a day. You know those mornings when you don't know what to wear and nothing seems to fit and everything looks gross? Yeah, that was me this morning (hence, the mopey turtle). But I pulled it together with a chocolate brown jersey dress (mine has dolman sleeves) and gold pumps. I don't actually have those green bracelets - over $500 each! - but in an ideal world, I would have added them to this very...brown Tuesday look. Maybe if I HAD those bracelets, my day wouldn't have been one of those days?
equality for all

Three cheers for Alexander Wang for launching a men’s line for spring 2010 as a part of his T collection. I’m a fan, but don’t know if I could personally pull off a men’s version of his designs. Although we don’t know what it’ll be, I’m thinking that it’d be something to pair with the skinny jeans that I’ve had my eye on, but never had the courage to try on for fear I’d muffin top right out of them. Just in case and so I can potentially match the sweater top that jess is getting, I’ll be having water for dinner.
Monday, July 13, 2009
“maybe we can sleep in, i'll make you banana pancakes…”
Many thanks to Yuki and Kumi for reminding us of Boots and Kimo’s Home Style Kitchen.
Our friends from Japan listed this local treat on their to-dos while visiting Hawaii. Tucked away on a small street in Kailua and decked out in sports memorabilia, one would never have guessed that it's home to one of best breakfasts... ever. Banana Pancakes with Macadamia Nut Sauce, Maui Portuguese Sausage Omelet, and a side of Polehu Ribs? Heaven. The pancakes are fluffy and moist and the sauce is a creamy sweet goodness (that my cousin suspects has melted vanilla ice cream as its base. Maybe?). The omelet was well packed with the spicy sausage, but the hash browns looked to be frozen Ore-Ida. But, that’s my bad since other than my family, what locals don't order rice? The morning we went there was a power outage, but despite a short wait, the staff made sure that we and the line that had gathered were well taken care of. And we were told that come fall, they would be moving to a bigger location a few blocks away. Go small business!

Our friends from Japan listed this local treat on their to-dos while visiting Hawaii. Tucked away on a small street in Kailua and decked out in sports memorabilia, one would never have guessed that it's home to one of best breakfasts... ever. Banana Pancakes with Macadamia Nut Sauce, Maui Portuguese Sausage Omelet, and a side of Polehu Ribs? Heaven. The pancakes are fluffy and moist and the sauce is a creamy sweet goodness (that my cousin suspects has melted vanilla ice cream as its base. Maybe?). The omelet was well packed with the spicy sausage, but the hash browns looked to be frozen Ore-Ida. But, that’s my bad since other than my family, what locals don't order rice? The morning we went there was a power outage, but despite a short wait, the staff made sure that we and the line that had gathered were well taken care of. And we were told that come fall, they would be moving to a bigger location a few blocks away. Go small business!

Boots and Kimo's Homestyle Kitchen
119 Kekili St.
Kailua, HI, (808)236-7929
119 Kekili St.
Kailua, HI, (808)236-7929
daily look
I must say, I got pretty close to my actual outfit this time. (Evidence: After MVSGF saw this picture, he said, "Didn't you wear that today?") I kid you not, it was 80 degrees when I got out of bed this morning. So obviously, I couldn't bring myself to wear my usual staple black work clothes to the office, and I had to opt for this light beige shirtdress (mine is actually Rag and Bone, longer sleeves and linen). Paired with black and tan pumps, my turquoise work purse (mine is Levenger, and not Kate Spade) for a splash of color, and hair in a messy pony, I was out the door in less than 10 minutes. What a way to start the work week!
i've got reservations
I’d been filling my No Reservations void with the poor substitute, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman. Which, is TOTALLY the same show (but with some lameness), right? I do love to cringe whenever he puts something nasty in his mouth and am glad that the cameras choose not to show the post-meal toilet time, but AndyZ is no kitchen badass. Dude doesn’t even stop to take smoke-breaks.
Side note to jess: New career for us – Travel Show Hosts!? (Did you know that the Travel Channel teaches classes on how to be a travel journalist?)
about jason

Sunday, July 12, 2009
daily look
What I would wear today, if I could shop the polyvore closet. And, if I was planning to leave the house. But, if I were to be productive, it wouldn't be a Sunday, now would it?
ooey-gooey cheesy goodness

I then decided to follow up the appetizer with more cream, cheese, and carbs by ordering the Baked Four Cheese Penne, which was a souped up mac and cheese with fontina, mozzarella, parmesan, and white cheddar, with panko bread crumbs on the top. It was tasty (really good flavors and cheese combination!) and definitely rich, but...I am very picky with my mac and cheese. Essentially, I like mac and cheese to resemble Kraft Deluxe, where the cheese sauce is thick and smooth and evenly distributed. The BFCP at Palomino is more like the penne sitting in a liquidy cream sauce (probably the same bechamel used for the potatoes) and then various cheeses mixed throughout and melted on top. Does that make any sense? Anyway, it was good, but I'd rate it 3/5 on my mac and cheese scale.
After dinner, MVSGF and I decided to walk to the Pinkberry a couple blocks down and were shocked to realize that it was now a Yogurtland. Our post(s) on frozen yogurts and the different chains of them will be for another day (believe me, I have A LOT to say about it - Jas and I love froyo), but I will just say that the blueberry tart yogurt at Yogurtland is really very gross and tastes like grape vitamins. I have warned you.
All in all, a good Saturday Date Night dinner!
PS: Thank you to Thao for the picture above. I found it during a google images search since I scarfed ours down last night before I could take a picture.
Labels: eat, jessica, los angeles
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
that old time rock and roll
Recently, I have noticed that two of my favorite fashion bloggers, love maegan and rumi at fashion toast, have been sporting (or at least buying) Ray-Bans. Since I live in sunny LA, sunglasses are practically a necessity and I am always on the lookout for new shades. The Ray-Bans themselves are only $139 at Bloomingdales for the classic Wayfarer style. (And, the classic Aviators are only $129!) While I am on a self-imposed shopping hiatus until September (don't ask, and yes, it sucks), I will definitely keep these on my wish list for the fall (if they are still au courant, of course).
Bloomie's also sells the Wayfarer in pink, which is only $109 and would be a definite buy for me this summer if it isn't for this stupid shopping hiatus. (Nooo, not bitter at all! :)
Tell me, do you own a pair of Ray-Bans? Post a link to your best "Risky Business" picture in the comments - I'd love to see how y'all are rocking them this summer!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
about jessica
Hi! I'm Jessica, but I also go by Jess, Jessie (in high school, to my mortification, but it stuck), and sometimes Lil' Bit, because I stand at a commanding almost-five-feet tall. I live in LA, and I like sleeping in on the weekends, the smell of clean sheets, dining out, the Gilmore Girls, window shopping at Barney's, the triple oxygen facial at Bliss, bare feet on warm sand, laughing and conjuring up hair-brained schemes with my best friend Jason, and being sickeningly lovey-dovey with my boyfriend, MVSGF.